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Beautiful Keira was such a dream to work with! She slept so hard I could pose her any way I wanted to! Look for more from her soon when I get to editing her gallery! I even got to photograph her in some items her mom made for her! How special!! Pin It
Pin ItI made the mistake of letting Miss Dahlia play for an hour or so at the Arboretum before doing her pictures. Bad bad bad decision! We will have to try again next week! I did get one or two pictures only a mother could love though! In this first picture, this is what she does […]
Pin ItMiss Katherine was so sweet and snuggly and FULL of smiles!! More to come from her in a bit! Pin It
Pin ItThese little guys decided to make their grand entrance into the world just a little early, so they were nearly 3 months old when we took these pictures… but they were so amazing to work with! So easy and sweet! This session was pure joy! Pin It
Pin ItPrecious newborn Abigail was ready for her close up in Dallas! She was awake for most of the session, but with sweet eyes like that who cares!!