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It’s twice as nice with two! These two guy are best buds and will be celebrating their 1st year with each other! So it’s a double cake smash! You can find one of these little guys here from about a year ago!Be sure to view the whole post! Pin It
Pin ItWhat a fun session this was! This guy posed like a dream! This shot here is a composite of 3 different pictures where baby is being held at all time! Please do not attempt this without a spotter. Pin It
Pin ItBeautiful Kennedy! She’s so squishy and perfect! Stay tuned for more from her soon! Pin It
Pin ItThese guys were a total dream! I had so much fun snuggling them! Stay tuned for more from them! Pin It
Pin ItLooks who I got to snuggle a few days ago! He was all smiles! More from in in just a bit! Pin It
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