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Miss Emily was such a dream! She slept and didn’t make one peep the entire session! Be sure to view the entire post! Pin It
Pin ItWhen mom and dad brought his amazing wooden horse to Nico’s newborn session I knew we were going to have a fun year! Here he is at 7 months! BOTH of these shots were composites and mom and dad were holding baby the whole time! Pin It
Pin ItJack is always such a dream to photograph! And he never disappoints and always shows up with his initials on his somewhere! 🙂 Pin It
Pin ItMiss Catherine first came to visit me as a tiny little newborn. but now she’s a spunky 9 month old! I was told when they pulled up that she was in a bad mood but you would not have known it! We had so much fun playing in the leaves! Pin It
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