Lil Miss Jane come from a long line of horse riders. At 2 she’s already ridden her pony in a show and has a purdy little ribbon to show for it 🙂 Her momma is one of my dearest friends, so of course I jumped with excitement when she suggested we do her two year session at the stable with her pony! The pony wasn’t quite ready for her close up so we are going back tomorrow to get the shots with the actual horse, but I had to share these. I just love them! I should also add that this child is party monkey so don’t try this at home! She’s a climbing fool!! Be sure to click the VIEW MORE!
Dallas baby photographer horse stable
Dallas baby photographer horse stable
Dallas baby photographer horse stable
Dallas baby photographer horse stable
Dallas baby photographer horse stable
Dallas baby photographer horse stable
Dallas baby photographer horse stable
Dallas baby photographer horse stable
Dallas baby photographer horse stable
Dallas baby photographer horse stable
Dallas baby photographer horse stable
Dallas baby photographer horse stable